28 %% "They say food digests better if you chew it first." 'Don't talk. I've seen you eat. Does the term Doppler effect ring a bell?' -- Sinclair and Garibaldi, "Grail" %% "Why is it that Ombuds Zimmerman never gets these cases? Only me..." -- Ombuds Wellington, "Grail" %% "The *Holy* Grail...as in King Arthur? The Last Supper?" 'It has many names, but only one promise: the regeneration and salvation of humankind. My order has been searching for the Grail for millennia. Since there's nowhere on Earth left to search, I've taken the search outward to other worlds.' -- Sinclair and Aldous Gajic, "Grail" %% "He is a holy man, a true seeker. Among my people, a true seeker is treated with the utmost reverence and respect. It doesn't matter that his Grail may or may not exist. What matters is that he strives for the perfection of his soul and the salvation of his race and that he has never wavered or lost faith." -- Delenn (re: Aldous Gajic), "Grail" %% "He's probably the only true seeker we have." 'Then perhaps you do not know yourself as well as you think.' -- Sinclair and Delenn, "Grail" %% "Just got the word - another Lurker got his brain mulched." -- Garibaldi, "Grail" %% "Most of them are just people with nowhere else to go. They come here looking for a new life, a new job and when they don't find it, they can't afford transport back. What are you going to do, Mr. Garibaldi, shove them out an airlock?" 'Don't tempt me.' -- Sinclair & Garibaldi, "Grail" %% "When the word gets out about Miriam, I've got about as much chance of doing that as seeing a Vorlon do a strip-tease." -- Garibaldi [that = obtaining more evidence], "Grail" %% "There are two castes of Minbari: the warrior caste and the religious caste. The warrior caste would not understand. It is not their way." 'So we will not tell them and spare them the confusion.' -- Lennier and Delenn, "Grail" %% "These two sides of your culture, do they ever agree on anything?" 'Yes, and when they do, it is a terrible thing, a terrible power, as recent events have shown. Let us hope it never again happens in our lifetime.' -- Aldous Gajic and Delenn, "Grail" %% "Did you know that Aldous character agreed to rehabilitate Jinxo? You think he's genuine?" 'Aldous? Yes. The question is, a genuine what? One person's lunatic is another's true seeker.' "You've been hanging out with Delenn too much." -- Garibaldi and Sinclair, "Grail" %% "Vir! What are you doing?!?" 'I'm being efficient, sir.' "A few more like you, Vir, and the entire Centauri Republic will efficient itself to extinction!" -- Londo and Vir, "Grail" %% "Fools to the left of me; feeders to the right. I need to find a real job." -- Londo, "Grail" %% "How can you find something if you don't even know what it looks like?" 'Sometimes it's the search that counts, not the finding.' -- Jinxo and Aldous Gajic, "Grail" %% "See yourself for what you are, not what others try to make you." -- Aldous Gajic (to Jinxo), "Grail" %% "There is nothing in the dark. No fear. No pain. Only the light. Show yourself. Show yourself." -- Aldous Gajic (to the Na'Ka'Leen feeder), "Grail" %% "Noone knows exactly what you look like. That makes some people... a little nervous." 'Good.' -- Sinclair and Kosh, "Grail" %% "It's a hard thing to live your life...searching for something and never find it." 'Are you speaking of Aldous or someone else?' -- Sinclair and Delenn, "Grail" %% "He found what he was looking for, what we're all looking for. A reason." 'For what?' "Everything, Commander. Everything." -- Delenn and Sinclair, "Grail" %% "Are you sure it's dead?" 'I'm positive. It's dead as a rock. I saw it with my own eyes.' "How do you know it's not just resting? Feeders are sneaky, you know." -- Londo and Garibaldi, "Grail" %% "As long as you can hear them. As long as there's noise around. You're safe. But if you ever hear nothing. Worry." 'That's interesting. That's very interesting. It's awfully quiet out here, isn't it Ambassador? Ambassador? Londo? Open the door Londo! Ambassador, it's not funny. Open the door Londo. -- Garibaldi and Vir, "Grail" %% G: "No boom?" S: "No boom." I: "No boom *today*. Boom tomorrow. There's *always* a boom tomorrow. What, look, somebody's got to have some damned perspective around here. One of these days...BOOM!" -- Garibaldi, Sinclair and Ivanova, "Grail" %% "What? Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here!" -- Ivanova, "Grail" %% "BOOM! Sooner or later. *BOOM*!" -- Ivanova, "Grail" %% "What I want to know is why you believe you can't leave this station." 'Cause if I do, it'll blow up or disappear or something else awful like that'll happen.' -- Aldous Gajic and Thomas 'Jinxo' Jordan, "Grail" %% "...but as I was leaving on the shuttle, I looked back and the station just sort of wrinkled, twisted like putty and just, just disappeared. *The minute I left*..." -- Thomas ''Jinxo' Jordan (re: Babylon 4), "Grail" %% "If I hadn't gotten to know you, I'd swear you were a few G's short of floating off." -- Thomas 'Jinxo' Jordan, "Grail" %% "Ah, Ambassador..." 'No! Get away from him! Get away! We've got to get out of here. He'll eat your mind." "Thomas?" 'I saw him. I saw him do it. He'll suck your brain dry.' "Thomas! Excuse me, Ambassador. Perhaps later?" -- Aldous Gajic and Thomas 'Jinxo' Jordan (visiting Kosh), 'Grail'